We’re off to a great start in 2024! In January, our well team completed two new wells. In February, they plan to start three new wells with the generous donations we received from Christmas giving. Our chief well technician, Peter Willie, has a growing list of communities waiting for new wells. He gets so excited every time we have another donation for clean water! We continue to hold training for the communities receiving new wells. Our village transformation team teach self-sustainability and community ownership along with our well dedication program. Our goal is to strengthen local churches and believers through the training.
Starfish Kids continues to make a difference one by one.
Starfish Kids continues to make a significant impact in the lives of Liberian children. This year we have 170 students, PreK through 12th grade in the scholarship program. Many of our students are not sponsored yet. Let me know if you would like to help find sponsors in your church or community.
We are waiting for the funds to start building the Mercy House. The need is great. We continue to connect with young women in need of help. The Mercy House will provide a safe place of housing for vulnerable young women and an employment training center.
Our youth program continues to grow! We have 40-50 girls in one Inspire Girls group and thirty in the other. Each week they study the Bible together and learn how to follow Jesus in their daily lives.
Roseline & some of the children that live with her.
We are hoping to reach more girls in other areas when we have more leaders trained. Our boy’s group, AG Boys (Achieving Greatness Beyond Our Years) is also continuing to grow. Our goal is to mentor boys to become godly men that respect and protect women in their communities and speak up when they see or hear about violence against women. Contact me if you would like to do a fundraiser specifically for the Mercy House and youth programs.
Teamwork Africa team! (from left to right) Samuel, Francis, Hawa, Anthony, Rev. Jesse, Ophelia, AB, Roseline, Morris, and Pa Quinah in front. (missing Angeline, Tarnue and Rev. Wornyan)
We started a new school in 2023 called Imago Dei Elementary school. Our vision is to not only provide quality education, but to teach children to respect God’s image in all of us and love each other the way Jesus does.
Our school is FULL! That means we are going to need prayer and support to expand so we can educate more students next year.
Teamwork Africa is making a difference in the urban area of Johnsonville, near the capital city of Monrovia as well as in the rural areas of Bong County, especially in the small village of Kpeletayama where the story of Teamwork Africa began.